Why we do things differently: PART I The E-Briefing
As you probably know by now, we started GP Days with the goal of changing the overall approach to track days. To us, the whole track day scene often seems to be stuck in its old ways of doing things - a bit dusty so to say.
While the whole driving part is hopefully not going to change much in the future (regulations on emissions etc.), we are convinced that many steps surrounding a track day can be done in a more efficient way. If you have been scrolling through our homepage, you probably noticed that the automation of the registration process is a major focus for us.
This little blogging series aims to give you an insight into what is planned for the future, our thoughts and the possibility to tell us what you think we should be working on to consistently improve the experience.
In the first part of "Why we do things differently", we want to touch on our thoughts behind implementing an E-Briefing for all our drivers - something long overdue in our opinion and a topic we are extremely passionate about!
If you have ever attended a track day, you know about the importance of the drivers briefing before everyone is allowed on track. You also know that:
- it can be very time consuming and forces you to get up very early in the morning
- is often inefficient as people around you are chatting to each other while you probably struggle to hear what is being talked about and usually leave with the feeling that you are unsure of what is and is not allowed to do
This is definitely not going to happen if you join one of our track days.
In short, the GP Days E-Briefing has three main objectives:
- Get you well informed before the track day and be able to ask us any questions ahead of getting on the circuit - We guarantee that you are going to arrive as ready as you can be if you follow our E-Briefing
- Save you valuable time in the mornings so you can arrive without any stress and can enjoy the day to the fullest
- That you will be able to watch the video wherever and whenever (before our event) you want via our homepage

"A usual sight if you book a Track Day with GP Days - The Briefing room will not be used!"
Our E-Briefing will always include a general part discussing driving rules and the meaning of the different flags you might encounter on track. In addition, we will always have a look at the specific track you will be driving on, starting at how you get to the facilities, where you get on and leave the circuit and preparing you for the most important and challenging sections of the circuit. This part will often include pictures and videos really showing you what matters before joining one of our events. Please remember that you only get access to the a briefing after you booked a track day with us.
By the way, the first outing of our E-Briefing already happened during our first track day in Mettet and it was a great success on which we'll build to improve this segment even further.
The E-Briefing is a part of our registration process that allows you to do all the steps from home. If you have completed all the steps online, all you have to do is to tell us your name when you arrive. You don't have to fill out any forms ever again! This means that you can theoretically arrive 5 minutes before the start of the track day and start driving right away.
In case there are any questions regarding the track day, certain driving techniques or the preparation of your car, you will receive a WhatsApp contact where you can reach us and can expect a very fast reply to whatever it is you have on your mind regarding the upcoming event. Our team speaks English, French, German and Russian so you can choose whatever language you like the most!
We are very interested in what all of you think is necessary to know ahead of the track day. So if you have suggestions on what we should add, let us know anytime in the comments or via e-mail info[at]gp-days.com.
The next part of "Why we do things differently" will talk about the remaining part of the pre track day administration process and what you can do to save even more time in the morning.
- Your GP Days Team